Volunteer Form Please enable JavaScript in your browser to complete this form.Name *If you're able to help, let us know where you'd like to help. Fill out this sheet, print it and return it to the Visitor Center, or press 'Submit' and it will be sent to [email protected]. Any questions, call Kathy Hill at 717-515-6928. We will get back to you.E-mail *Please enter your email, so we can follow up with you.Phone NumberGeneral Services NeededBookkeeperGeneral OfficeGraphic DesignerHandyman SkillsMail List ManagerPhoto OrganizerProject ManagerEventsTurkey Trot 2023Holiday Home Tour 2023 - Docents and Committee MembersHog August Bites (set up & tear down, guest services booth, help chili and rib contestants)ProgramsLitter PickersTrim & Tidy (quarterly weeding and trimming of Main St planters)RioVision Gallery Curator and Sales (sell consigned artwork)Riverview School GardenLong Term ProjectsDiscover Rio Vista magazine (Writers, reviewers, photographers)Murals (collect ideas and help create those approved)Utility Box Painting (collect ideas and help create those approved)Western Entrance (keep trim now; future plans to be decided)CommentsEmail Submit